I love building things. This blog in itself is one of these things. Feel free to shoot me an email.
(Emergency-)Brake lights + blinker on my bicycle
On my cycle-commute there are a couple of places where better lights would come in handy. A year ago another biker drove into me, because I had to emergency brake. So when a friend gifted me his left-over addressable LED stripe I was intrigued in how well this would work, as I had previously poured ours of work into making my own addressable LEDs using shift registers see my first...
Iron Man Arc Reactor
I finally declared my recent project, a replica of Tony Starks Arc reactor, finished. This was one of the projects I had planned with which I justified buying a 3D printer so I felt an obligation to finish it. All 24 LEDs in this rector are individually addressable via shift registers. My goal was to have some faint waft in the lights, but I curently only have them on at...
Bike Repair
I use my bike extensively. My commute is 15km per day and I don’t have a public transport ticket. I like the cold air blowing into my face in the morning. When spending 10+ hours a day in front of a screen, riding a bike is a relaxing part of the day. My bike was now turning 12 years old. More and more failures accumulated over time to the point...
100ms in additional latency cost you 1 % revenue, don't they?
When writing my master thesis about resource allocation in containers I wanted to show the relevance of performance by citing something I always knew to be true: 100ms in additional latency costs you 1 % revenue. Time to find a source for the references! All sources I could find eventually end up to be Greg Linden. He worked at Amazon for 5 years from 1997 to 2002 and worked on...
QuickStart for Let's Encrypt on Kubernetes
EDIT 2019-10-31: I tried to update this guide to 0.11, as a lot of things have changed since the original publication. I haven’t tested the full guide in the new version yet, but it should work. EDIT 2019-12-09: Updated for 0.12 and helm3 This post will show you how to use cert-manager to automatically create and use certificates with Let’s Encrypt on Kubernetes. This is especially useful if you are...
A fork on Github is no fork
Github may block access to your repos and there is nothing you can do about it A few years ago I made a project with a friend and we collaborated on Github in his private repo. After we finished the project I forked it, to be able to still access it independently from him. While I still have unlimited private repos, my friend let his Premium Account (Student) expire. The...
Machine Intelligence I - Learning Notes
This semester learning notes are about supervised learning. Previous semester on unsupervised learning Performance Measurement Neural Networks Support Vector Machines Bayesian Networks Reinforcement Learning Statistical Learning Theory(Excluded from the exam and therefore neglected here)
Reinforcement Learning
These are exam preparation notes, subpar in quality and certainly not of divine quality. See the index with all articles in this series In reinforcement learning an actor is in a world where she can perform different actions and perceive the environment. Sometimes there may be rewards. Reinforcement learning is about choosing a policy from which to derive actions that maximize the reward. Just like the real world there are...