I love building things. This blog in itself is one of these things. Feel free to shoot me an email.


  • Introducing Kudos

    Kudos is a way to acknowledge something somewhat similar to a “like”. Each of my blog posts now has a kudos button at the bottom. I liked the simplicity of it. I use a nice libary from KudosPlease which looks quite slick. Unfortunately the API provided by them had multi-second load time. Now I run my own fast compatible API at https://kudos.niels-ole.com/ . You can find the backend source on...

  • Hosting side-projects with Docker

    In this article I will write about: Why I needed a new hosting setup for my projects Make a shallow dive into why I chose Docker Show great tools for easy deployments for HTTP(S) List services running with this now I regularly do side-projects which mostly consist of some API or website of some sorts. After developing it locally I have to deploy it to a server to make it...

  • Creating timelapses of planet earth

    I was very inspired by Glittering Blue which shows images of a Japanese weather satellite. After becoming interested in timelapse videos I began collecting images from the public servers of said weather satellite to compile a nice video out of it. This is the result: Some time after Glittering Blue was released someone took the time to put together a npm module. Using this I collected images for about two...

  • Building my standing desk

    I naturally spend a lot of the time of the day in fornt of the ocmputer and therefore in front of a desk. Since it is very unhelathy to always sit the entire day I first started using a gym ball. This was a great improvement for my health feeling. But the ball was eventually ripped to pieces by my cats. What I wanted was a standing desk. The problem...

  • Things to know about the world

    Sometimes I have a feeling that a lot of people do not know basic things about the world. To improve this I want to collect a summary of statistics that are really helpful for getting a better understanding of the world. All of the statistics will be aggregated from some place so do not expect anything new if you are already well informed. I want to start at very basic...

  • Hello World!

    So I am starting my first personal blog where I’ll write about things that appear to be interesting. If you have any suggestions, feel free to contact me. As of now I am not sure, what this blog will eventually be about or how frequently I will actually publish.